Wednesday, January 20, 2010


"No-No Jack and the Speech Therapist" (or, "Proving that Mommy is a Liar")

Me to Speech Therapist: It's strange. He says "Robin" all the time, but he's never tried to say "Batman."

Speech Therapist: That is strange!

Me to Jack, while indicating Batman: Jack, who is this?

Jack: Batmaah! (He even actually pronounced the "t," which is quite impressive for him. He rarely pronounces a second consonant in a syllable)

Me: Okay! Way to make a liar out of me!

Speech Therapist: Why don't you tell me more things he doesn't do? *laughs*


Anonymous said...

Go, Jack, go!

Obviously, I'm most impressed by his ability to recognize my favorite heroes, as opposed to his speech ;) Next, you can teach him to say Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Stephanie.

OMG, I'm even geekier than I thought...

Beth said...

Then you would also be proud that Alexander knows that the "Blue Batman" is the "original Batman." ;) Too bad *I* know nothing about these things my boys are getting into.