Monday, April 28, 2008

Freedom! Freedom!! Freedom!!!

Perhaps I should be looking at Jack's newest accomplishment in terms of what it means for him, but I really can't help myself...

Jack EATS! He's had a rough time adjusting to solid food since I started him on rice cereal and veggie and fruit purees two months ago. So, about a week ago, I introduced some finger foods like biter biscuits and Cheerios. He was totally into them! He can't really fill up on those, though, nor are they the healthiest things ever. So a couple of days ago I got brave and just handed the kid a banana to gnaw on. With some help and a good deal of mess, he ate almost an entire banana! He gobbled another one up today! This means we can also add other soft foods like well-cooked veggies and other soft fruits to his diet. Whoopee!

Oh, and in case the "freedom" reference still isn't clear... this also means that Mommy can escape her little vampire for more than an hour and a half at a time, as he now has a reliable alternate food source (having scorned the bottle before the baby food). What shall I do with my new found freedom?


Kara said...

woohoo!! WTG Jack!

Anonymous said...

That is big news! Nice job, Jack!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Go Jack! Sounds like you've got another good eater on your hands. :)

ZhaoKids said...

wow.........that's great! Clayton and Jack needs to talk.....maybe Jack will have a great influence on Clayton.hahaha