Alexander started swimming lessons this week and is doing pretty well so far. We'll find out at the end of next week if he passes Level 2. I am pleased with how he has gained a lot of confidence in the water since last year. However, he isn't actually swimming yet. In fact, they don't really start to get into teaching the strokes until Level 3 and Alexander is pretty anxious to get to that, but he must first demonstrate what he is capable of in Level 2 in order to be passed.
On Monday and Tuesday Justin was still home from work for his mini-vacation, so on Monday I had the chance to take the older boys on a nice trash-walk! (#9) We found that it was much too easy to fill our trash bag, and I think we should get in the habit of bringing a trash bag with us whenever we go on walks. Later, we took Kai with us and visited the animals at the pet store. Kai was enthralled by the birds and ferrets.
Tuesday I took just the older boys to the pool (#2) and on Wednesday I took all three boys to the pool by myself for the first time. I was thrilled that I can actually manage all of them at the pool on my own this year.
On Thursday we revisited Cunningham Falls lake, which we hope to do many times this summer! Friday we made pumpkin ice cream (the kids' choice) in our ice cream maker. (#29)
On Saturday we headed up to PopPop's house (#15) for our family reunion where the boys had a wonderful time at the playground for 5 hours. Alexander asked his cousin to marry him when they grow up and we had to explain to him that he has to marry someone outside of our family. That night we caught fireflies, Alexander climbed trees (#4), and the boys camped outside with my dad (#5) to participate in the Great American Backyard Campout.

On Sunday we headed home, bought a new washing machine (yay?), and Alexander picked up and practiced in a learn-to-draw book. (#33)
It has been exhausting having this much fun, yet I hope it continues!