On Christmas Eve, the boys always get new pajamas from Mommy and Daddy. This year, instead of Christmas pajamas, we got them character pajamas. Jack got Mickey Mouse and Alexander got Mario and they were off the wall excited about them. I mean... seriously off the wall excited. Silly boys!
Alexander graced my bed with his presence around 2:30AM and began asking to go downstairs to open presents. He announced that he had seen Santa's sleigh flying away from our house. He was so excited that he could not fall back to sleep until about 4AM. I finally moved to the floor to get away from his wiggling. Jack woke us all at 6:30AM. So... I was a bit tired for most of Christmas day, but I really can't complain too much. The boys were sufficiently spoiled by Santa, their uncles, and their grandparents. Jack could hardly move on to other presents once he found the Pez in his stocking.
I have not confused my holidays here. One of the things that Santa brought the boys was some costumes: Mario and a motocross driver suit. Something tells me Santa likes after-Halloween sales as much as I do!
Some of their other favorite presents were their new bedding (Mickey Mouse for Jack and Spiderman for Alexander) from their grandparents. Jack also really loved the Imaginext Dragon Fortress and Batcave they got from Santa, but mostly the "guys" from those sets. So far Alexander has spent a lot of time playing his new board games, with his new Legos, and the new video games we got.
Justin won a couple of awards at work, which came with gift cards as prizes, plus an iPod nano. We didn't really want the iPod, but we returned it and used the gift cards as well to get ourselves a Wii and the new Mario game for Christmas. It was amazing that the pricing worked out perfectly. We spent every dollar of those gift cards, but not a dollar of our own. It was meant to be! It was Santa! (Okay, it was Justin's hard work that earned him those awards. Congrats, Honey!) We put them under the tree and everything! Here's a (not great) photo of our Wii Miis. We're pretty excited since we didn't think we'd be able to justify the purchase of a Wii for a couple of years! :D
We had a great visit and dinner with PopPop, Grandma and Grandpa and we thank them (and far-off Uncle Matt and Uncle Harry) for all the great gifts.
We hope everyone else out there celebrating Christmas had at least as wonderful a day as we did!