A friend of the family (aka: our realtor) generously offered us the use of her OC, MD beach condo and we gratefully accepted! This was our first vacation together as a family, so it was pretty special. It was a very nice time with nothing overly exciting to report (which is usually best).
We left last Friday, and the first couple of days were pretty stormy. The temperature didn't get much above 50, and there were flood warnings for our area. The winds were up to about 40 mph, and there was some storm damage. We saw plenty of downed palm trees, broken limbs, and a few damaged signs. We did brave the beach one afternoon before the worst of it hit, but as you can see, we were the ONLY ones there. The last afternoon of rain and wind dragged on pretty long stuck in the condo, but we toughed it out and made it through to a few totally gorgeous days.

When the skies cleared, it was absolutely beautiful. Alexander spent hours playing in the sand; Jack spent hours eating sand. We took Alexander to The Pier and let him ride some outrageously expensive kiddie rides, which he enjoyed immensly. We got the kids' pictures taken at Old Time Photos as cowboys and they turned out adorable (even though I nixed the guns)! We had Thrasher's fries, Dumser's ice cream, and basically chilled. It was super!

Thursday morning Alexander let us know that he wanted to go home and that he missed his bed. And, since more rain was called for on Friday, we decided we agreed that it was a good time to head home. He and I hit the beach one last time while Justin packed and then we said goodbye to the ocean and set out. The ride home was, unfortunately, rather hellacious, complete with Alexander's first pooping on the side of the road experience and a full on scream fest from him which ultimately led Justin to "pull this car over right now." But alas, we survived even that and I will say that the crazy weather on one end of the trip and the car ride from Hades on the other side of the trip were both worth it for the time in between. A big thank you to "Miss Marilynn" for the use of her condo. THANKS!!
And now, a few final pictures that I just had to share:
First, Baby Elvis:

And lastly, bonus points to anyone who can figure out what so disturbed me about these two signs that I felt the need to photograph them (not that I have the right to say TOO much on this subject...)

Is it that both of the stores have shirts that go up to xxxxxxl? If that's what that means, I am shocked. Who wears a 6x, and when did it become standard for stores to stock that size? Crazy!
Glad that you had a great time. It truly sucks that the weather didn't cooperate, but at least you got some quality alone time with your men.
sounds like a pretty good trip. We love the kiddie rides up in Rehobeth..the boys know right where they are run for them everytime. Thank god they aren't as expensive as the ones in OC. Why are those 'empty' rides always so much? You never see that many kids on them even in July/August.
I can't figure out the t-shirt pictures...is it the 6 mons to 6x?
(only common thread beside a t-shirt shop I could find)
The rain part sucks, but I am glad that overall ya'll had a good time! I can definitly sympathize with the car ride. I remember when our Alex was a baby we drove down to Charleston, SC for my dad's pinning ceremony. Down wasn't so bad, but the way back Alex screamed the whole 8 hours. I thought I was gonna loose it. Since then we haven't done that again, you are a braver soul than I doing it with 2. :-P
6X wow now that is large, I don't know anyone that large. Must be so the thin chicks can wear it as a tent dress;)
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