For those of you who may not be my "Facebook friends," and for posterity, I would like to announce that we found out on Tuesday that our third child will also be our third BOY. Trust me, it was pretty obvious in the ultrasound even to my untrained eye. ;) I've requested the immediate installation of urinals in every bathroom. We are not at all disappointed, and are very excited to meet our third son. We will likely name him Kai (rhymes with sky) Davon (David+Vernon/ combo of our dads' names/ prounounced like David but with an "n" at the end). Maybe I'll change my blog name to "4+1=Me Outnumbered!"
How wonderfully exciting!! If anyone can handle three boys it is definitly you! And I just love the name, this is gonna be one special little guy! :-)
I'll plant more trees on my property, so the boys will have plenty of choices when they visit.
Why do you think only guys refer to it as "the great outdoors".
Oh, I love the name Kai and I can't wait to meet him :)
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