Alexander has just 5 kids in his class: 4 girls and himself. They have a wonderful teacher and an assistant teacher, so I certainly couldn't ask for a better student to teacher ratio. I think this will be awesome for Alexander's first school experience!
Alexander had no problem with me leaving him at preschool. I asked him, "Do you want me to stay for one minute or are you ready for me to go?" He told me to go. I said, "Would you like a hug or are you okay without one?" He was okay without one. As I walked out, the preschool director complimented me (and Alexander) on our easy transition on his first day. I am glad that he was confidant without me, but it would have been nice if he had at least wanted a hug!
Today Alexander got to be the special helper, which entails holding the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance, passing out cups and napkins at snack time, being the line-leader, updating the weather board and the calendar. So much responsibility! He also ate pretzels and drank apple juice, made a hand puzzle, listened to a story, did a couple of worksheets, played at the science center, and did not sing. At least... this is what I think he did, based on his report. He was a little hard to read as he was alternately being negative and positive. He told me that he hated preschool, but then he said he was lying. He said he was angry that he hadn't gotten to go on their "stupid" playground. But he also said that he had a really good time. He may have just been letting off steam after behaving himself at preschool, because as the children were released to the parents, Miss Jackie informed us that all the kids were "rock stars" and that they had acted as though they had been going to preschool for years. So I'll take that as a good sign and hope for even better next week.
Alexander behaved himself so well this week, despite lots of changes to his normal routine, that he earned a trip to look at Halloween costumes with Daddy. They may not be purchasing anything yet, but Alexander has LOTS of ideas as to what he might dress up as. Stay tuned! ;)
Yay! I am glad he did so well. I know Alex's first day last year, he just marched right on in, not phased at all, and cried all the way home in the car. LOL. Of course we want our kids to be independent like that, but still it is hard. :-) Enjoy your
quiet(er) afternoons!
Hooray for Alexander the big boy! Yael will be soooo jealous when she hears that he got to have all those jobs at one time. She has to wait ;)
I hope he has a fabulous time at preschool.
Mara, since they have such a small class, they decided to just have one helper each day who does ALL the tasks. In the larger classes (I think they can have up to 16), one person gets just one task per day. This does make it a pretty special day when you're the helper! There will be lots of benefits to having this small class! :)
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