Monday, March 31, 2008

The artist as a young man

I'm pretty sure that most of the great artists probably started out as small children painting in their underwear... and if not, they should have! Today Alexander made use of a rainy day by breaking out the paints and craft paper and managing to look rather adorable while doing so.


Anonymous said...

What a brave, brave woman you are! My girls are going to their art class at the local community center to do that tomorrow as I don't have nearly enough nerve to let them use paint in my house. :)

This is a seriously cute picture. My favorite thing about ALexander is that he is always running around in his underwear with the biggest smile on his face. What a sweet, happy little boy!

Anonymous said...

Our boys were kindred spirits today. My Jasper quote from today came while he was painting--shirtless, with his pants unbuttoned--at his craft table. Now if we could only find a gallery to carry their stuff...

Kara said...

what a happy little boy! My boys painted the morning away yesterday. You are brave for putting paint brushes in those jars. We use a paper plate and put the paint on it...I tried the put the paintbrush in the jar and it resulted in a HUGE mess.

Beth said...

Amanda- We have a cheapo table for just this reason. But the Crayola stuff is really very washable! Oh, and yes, Alexander spends quite a bit of time in just his underwear. He says he likes to be cold.

Kara- We used to do tha paper plate method, but I felt like we ended up wasting paint. He does better with the jars although there is some mixing of colors at times!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable little artist!