My poor Alexander has such a long name that he still can't spell his own whole name. ;) Poor baby, right? :D He can spell, "PopPop," "Mommy," "Daddy," and most of the time, "Jack" and "Xander." He can, however, write his whole name, when reminded of all the letters. Most of the time, though, he'll write it and then "color it in" or something, so I never get a good sample of his writing to save for posterity. Yesterday I pretty much stole this paper away from him before he could do anything else to it! He really wanted to add a drawing of himself, so I made a box for him and told him he was only allowed to draw inside the box! I am so cramping his style!

VERY cute!!! He is way ahead of the curve girl.
He's doing great! I love the "D".
I love how his hair looks like a lion's. He does have a long name and he's doing great!
I love it!! Very personalized. Brennan does the same thing that he starts with his first letter in a regular size and just gets bigger and bigger as he writes...very fascinating.
Great job Xander! (And mommy :)
Hooray, Xander! Yael has a much shorter name and she's only recently gotten the hang of writing it :)
Y'know, his art skills are really advanced, though. Yael's teacher was saying something about the way she drew people being really ahead of the other kids, but Xander's person is incredibly impressive compared to hers.
(Sorry if this shows up twice...Blogger is being weird at me.)
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