The calendar strikes again.
One of Alexander's new weekly projects are worksheets. We've always just thrown in learning about letters and numbers while we play and draw, and we will continue to do so, but I thought I'd try some worksheets out on him also. I won't push it because I know some kids abhor learning this way, but I loved this type of thing when I was a kid, so I thought I would at least try it. Alexander was very excited to do his worksheets today. He did some "T"s in honor of Thanksgiving turkeys, and he practiced his favorite number, "3." Actually, he decided to turn all the 3's into 8's and put 8 cookies in the jar, but I'm okay with that! :)

Oooh: worksheets. I love them too. I have some great worksheets on subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, rhyme scheme, and literary terminology I'll send you. It's never too early!!!
we must be on the same wave length on this one...we started worksheets this week having to come up with creative ways to get ava to practice writing and reading cause she doesnt want to learn it the traditional ways...figures...
i found this from a homeschol list:
i started with the writing readiness to kind of trick her into practicing writing without her realizing it...and then move up to the letters...but of course as soon as i started the letter sheets she slowed down and would only do half of the sheet in the morning and the other half later...
she also has a cartridge for her leapster that lets her trace and write but even that she is shying away i guess ill have to come up with some more ideas....blah...
i was also thinking about how to teach days of week and months since she asks me every day what month and 'afternoon' it is...looks like we might be making it ourselves also...
Darn it, my computer (or Google) ate my comment. ::shakes tiny fist of rage::
Anyway, I was trying to say that these are a *great* idea and I think Yael might love them, because she seems to like structured practice of things more than free-form. (Possibly proving once again she's my daughter...)
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