Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowmageddon (Snowpocolypse II)

It started Friday around 11AM. Another record breaking snow. If you thought (and I did) that the December "Snowpocolypse" 22 inches was something to talk about, then I hope you were around to experience this one!

The snow started Friday morning and we drove home from the doctor's office through flurries. It continued through late Saturday afternoon and left us with around 30 inches of snow. According to the news report, it was the 4th biggest snow on record, and the biggest since the month and year I was born: February 1979! So I can safely say that this is the biggest snowstorm I have ever seen.
Saturday morning the snow was above our back windows and drifted halfway up our back door, which is not even level with the ground... there are three steps up to it. That drift was about 5 feet off the ground!

We weathered the storm quite well, I must say. We never lost power or had any damage to life, limb, or property (well, a few bushes aren't looking so hot and I think Justin's muscles might claim injury as well). Alexander has been out to play twice, I've been out to play once, and Justin has been out to shovel three times.
Dude, where's my car?
The weird thing about our backyard is that it creates this ultra-blizzard effect. Justin did not shovel the backyard. The snow just swirled and swirled so that in the center you could actually still see the patio and blades of grass sticking up. Around the edges, it drifted probably up to six feet at a few points! It was perfect for Alexander to play in because he could still walk easily around the middle, and then climb up the "mountains."

We did have a plow arrive around 7:30AM this morning, but it got stuck at the mouth of our court. After spinning its wheels for 5 minutes or so, it finally got loose and left us. With a five foot wall between us and clear road. Another plow arrived to the cheers of our neighbors around 3PM, but also failed to excavate our section of the road. Three households were left snowed in, ourselves in the middle. Finally the city was called and they promised to send out "something bigger, better, and faster." Around 6PM a bulldozer showed up. Yeah, baby. That truck did the job right and we're free! Of course... we don't actually plan to go anywhere tomorrow, but it's nice to know we could.

So, what are we expecting Tuesday night? I've heard another 6-12 inches of snow. Well, after 30 inches, 12 is nothing! Bring it on (says the woman who sits inside eating snacks while her husband does all the hard labor)!


Kathryn said...

This is insane right!! And more frigging snow coming on tuesday. Spring needs to get here soon. Stay warm!!

Tammy said...

Crazy! And now they're calling for another 10-20 inches. I can't imagine what 20 inches of snow will look like on top of what we already have!!!

Anonymous said...

Hoth... it will look like Hoth.. and we will need Tauntauns to keep us warm.